Management Consulting
Our consulting services are adjusted to the demands and needs of the top management of our Client companies. Excellent communication skills and high sensibility for very specific situations, combined with broad range of management know-how and razor-sharp analytical skills enable us to be a valuable partner for the leaders and motors of change and innovation within a company. We are completely capable of adjusting our efforts in these functional areas to different industries or development phases e.g. start-up, growth or restructuring of a company.

Leadership & Management
Making things happen and getting them done requires both leadership and management skills. If we truly know where we want to go and who should be joining us, the greatest hurdle has already been overcome. Developing a clear vision and goals and transforming these into a good plan so that they become the vision of our team constitute the core of our leadership and management duties. We guide and accompany our Clients in the process of discovering their strengths and needs in leadership and management. Concertedly we develop the required attitude and skills to become effective and adaptive leaders, established on ethical and humane principals.
Strategy & Change
Strategy and change are Top-Management’s prime responsibilities. Our work will always start with the “eagles-view” on the competitive situation of our Client. All markets and particularly the customers’ should be understood very well. We use established concepts (e.g. Porter’s competitive forces or SWOT-analysis) and state-of-the-art techniques (e.g. scenario-analysis or online-surveys) to describe and investigate the situation and challenges our Clients face. The result of a project could be a new business plan or a new strategic initiative. Sometimes a 2-day-management workshop to identify and focus everybody on a common vision and the necessary changes ahead are sufficient efforts in order to clarify the strategic orientation of our Clients.

Marketing & Communication
Be it with our customers or our team, communication is the biggest challenge we are facing in our businesses. Getting the message right and making sure it is received, understood, and valued by our target market, or the individual team member is the key to success of most endeavours. At Koenig & Consultants, we have totally embraced the value of excellent communication. Together with our Clients we comprehensively analyze their existing and new market needs for solutions, products, and services. Building on this solid foundation we jointly develop marketing and communication strategies and tools that reach, impact, and move their targets.
▲▲▲ König & Consultants | Maria-Louisen-Strasse 122 | 22301 Hamburg | Phone +49 4101 858 60 10 | Fax +49 4101 858 60 11 |